On Martin Luther King Day, Rep. Negrete Calls for Expanding Economic Opportunity


Date: Jan. 17, 2014
Location: Montclair, CA

Congresswoman Gloria Negrete McLeod (D-Chino) released the following statement in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day to be celebrated on Monday, January 20th:

"We celebrate the life and historic contributions of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who led the fight against injustice in America -- both as the leader of the civil rights movement and a champion for equal economic opportunity for all.

"His dream for this nation focused on the belief that we as a citizenry of these United States should have a real opportunity to share in the nation's prosperity and achieve the American Dream. With today's widening income inequality hurting American families, it is imperative we create policies that expand economic opportunity.

"We must renew unemployment insurance for Americans who were laid off in the recession through no fault of their own. On this Martin Luther King Day, let us begin the restoration of economic security for those still reeling from the Great Recession in America."
